A Just A Sec Exclusive!
There's no getting around it: you need a decent work wardrobe. And few secretaries we know are finding a surplus in their fashion budget these days.
But we know of at least two ways to save money while still dressing your best:
METHOD #1: Stop Paying for Pressing; Spray the Wrinkles Away!
Who likes ironing? It's so much easier to hand off your stuff to the drycleaner and let them worry about getting your shirts crisp, smooth and office-ready. Of course, that can get expensive.
All right, so you can't imagine doing all that ironing yourself, no matter how much money it saves. Hey, we respect that. We don't iron anymore either. We found a surprisingly effective alternative for lazy people: Grandma's Secret Wrinkle Remover. It's a secret we're happy to share.
We don't understand how this stuff works -- we just marvel that it does.
Here's how to duplicate our test: Take your favorite shirt and hang it on a hanger. Spray Grandma's Secret Wrinkle Remover on the shirt. Then, work the wrinkles out with a combination of two motions: tug the garment down and outward gently to pull the fabric flat so the wrinkles flatten, too. Then smooth the fabric out with the palms of your hands, as if your hands were irons. Work your way around the garment one section at a time, tugging and smoothing. This doesn't take long, mere moments. You'll be amazed at how smooth and tidy the garment becomes in no time at all. Plus, the clean scent of Grandma's Secret Wrinkle Remover freshens your clothes and chases away any stale odors in the garment. Give the garment about two minutes to air-dry and it's ready to wear!
Try not to worry about your drycleaner's receipts when you stock up on Grandma's Secret Wrinkle Remover instead at www.GrandmasSoap.com. A four-pack of 8-ounce spray bottles goes for $19.95.
METHOD #2: Keep the Clothes You've Got in Good Shape.
Stretch your budget by stretching your wardrobe into one more season. Trust us, in these economic times, no one will blame you for giving last year's clothes at least one more go 'round.
One of the most common reasons that clothes get discarded from one year to the next is stains. And they always seem to fall right smack in the middle of your best sweater or blouse, where it can't be hidden with a scarf or piece of jewelry, right?
In a downtown legal office, a group of secretaries kept a set of Carbona Stain Devils on-hand for several months, and promised to use them as needed. Carbona's Stain Devils are specially designed to treat specific stains. Carbona makes Stain Devil formulas to treat:
- Gum & Glue
- Ketchup & Sauce
- Ink & Crayon
- Blood & Milk
- Fat/Grease/Oil
- Make-Up & Grass
- Motor Oil & Lubricant
- Fruit & Red Wine
- Rust
Each special formula also treats other, similar stains. For example, the Stain Devil for Gum & Glue also removes stains from correction fluid and nail polish.
During our secretaries' test period, they found occasions to reach for Carbona's Stain Devil formulas for Ketchup & Sauce, Ink & Crayon, and Gum & Glue.
Carla used the Stain Devil for Ketchup & Sauce to get rid of a barbecue sauce stain. "I noticed the stain right away, so I treated it right away. I had to wait several hours to go home and be able to throw my shirt in the laundry, but the stain came out like it was never there to begin with."
Irina had similar results with Carbona's Stain Devil for Ink & Crayon on a blue ink stain. "No, I didn't notice the stain right away," she said. "In fact, I didn't see it 'til I got on the subway at the end of the day, but I waited 'til the next day to take that Carbona bottle home from work to try it out." Even after letting the stain set in for at least 36 hours before treatment, Irina found that Carbona did a great job of getting rid of the stain. "I didn't bring the bottle back to the office," she confessed. "The stuff worked too good, so I kept it."
Diane was equally pleased when she used Carbona's Stain Devil for Gum & Glue on a sweater. "I got some gooey *#@# on my sweater from a strip of double-sided tape," she complained. "I got most of the gooey part off in little rolled-up balls, but it left behind a sticky mark." "I used the formula for Gum (& Glue) and it lifted out the stickiness, and when the sweater was washed there was no spot leftover. You couldn't tell where the tape had been." "I probably would've gotten rid of (the sweater) if I couldn't get that spot out." It sounds like Carbona saved Diane's sweater!
So the next time you get a stain that you think is hopeless -- including shoe polish, suntan lotion, Vaseline -- stop by the supermarket on your way home from work and get the Carbona Stain Devil made for your stain. It's one of the best ways we know to extend the life of your wardrobe!
The Carbona web site lists all the different types of stains each type of Stain Devil treats, and you can buy them individually for $3.49, or get the entire line for $27.92.