Thursday, August 14, 2008

International Phone & Fax Numbers Driving You CRAZY?

Ugh. Those international phone and fax numbers with their 8,000,000 digits, multiple prefixes and zeroes stuck in at weird places. Half the time they never work. Sometimes the way the phone numbers are printed on the company's letterhead don't work -- you need to add digits when dialing from inside the United States. What do they think you are, some kind of psychic switchboard operator?

Listen -- save yourself a lot of aggravation. Use the handy Country Calling Codes widget at the bottom of the JAS blog site BEFORE you dial, every time.

Go ahead, scroll down and give it a try! It looks like this:

This fun widget is created by Country Calling Codes and it gives you EXACTLY the right prefixes you need to reach the country and city you're dialing. Select the country you're calling from, the country you're dialing, and see what happens.

Voila! Secretarial Bliss.